How are you Expanding Data Frontiers?


This year’s theme for CarpentryCon is all-encompassing: we invite proposals for presentations that seek to expand data frontiers. Sub-themes will be compiled based on the submissions received, and proposal submission is open until 12 June. You can propose various session types, including breakout discussions, lesson and resource development sprints, lightning talks, panel sessions, skill-up workshops, _social events, and informal meetups.

Are you wondering if your research falls under the conference theme and if you should submit a proposal? The answer is probably a YES!

Defining the Theme

We looked to Merriam-Webster for a starting point for the theme elements:


To open up, to expand, to increase the extent, number, volume, scope.


Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, and calculation, digital information that can be transmitted or processed, information output.


The farthermost limits of knowledge, new fields for activity.

Thinking Creatively

We’d love it if you think creatively about expanding data frontiers. Here are some questions and ideas that we considered while elaborating the theme:

  • Pushing past the limits to expand the frontiers of data:
    • What are those limitations? What might be a barrier, roadblock?
    • How are you dismantling and/or moving past them?
  • Conversations and debates in the field:
    • Tools, trends, and debates within computer science, data science, and other relevant fields.
    • Expanding the information, knowledge, and conversation within and beyond The Carpentries community.
  • Building collective knowledge through lessons learned teaching workshops, developing lessons, and receiving learner feedback:
    • Share a failure or success story:
      • What did you learn? Key takeaways?
      • How do you move forward? Next steps?
  • Current and Trending Topics: current and new research, ideas, methodologies, solutions, and next steps in areas including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Community - expanding reach, communities of practice, networking, etc
    • Computing - capacity and capability, tools, approaches, and resources, etc
    • Data Democracy - confronting misinformation, open and transparent, approachable to general public, outcomes, etc
    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - data literacy curriculum, women in data, diverse perspectives, user accessibility, etc.
    • Data security
    • Data ethics
    • Evaluation - data use policies, procedures, practices, etc.
    • Literacy - pedagogy, curriculum, tools, tips and tricks, evaluation, adding new skills and languages, audience, etc.